Harry Reyes Nieva         About   CV   Projects   Publications   Presentations   Teaching   News

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, AI for Medicine and Public Health


Preprints under review

1. Reyes Nieva H, Kashyap A, Voss EA, Ostropolets A, Anand A, Ketenci M, DeFalco FJ, Choi YS, Li Y, Allen MN, Guang S, Natarajan K, Ryan P, Elhadad N. The Impact of Evolving Endometriosis Guidelines on Diagnosis and Observational Health Studies. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 December. doi: 10.1101/2024.12.13.24319010.

2. Reyes Nieva H, Zucker J, Tucker E, McLean J, DeLaurentis C, Gunaratne S, Elhadad N. Development of Machine Learning-Based Mpox Surveillance Models in a Learning Health System. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 September. doi: 10.1101/2024.09.25.24314318.

3. Reyes Nieva H, Zucker J, Tucker E, Castor D, Yin MT, Gordon P, Elhadad N. Enabling a Learning Public Health System: Enhanced Surveillance of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 April. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.10.24305612.

4. Sun TY, Hardin J, Reyes Nieva H, Natarajan K, Cheng RJ, Ryan PB, Elhadad N. Large-scale characterization of gender differences in diagnosis prevalence and time to diagnosis. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 October. doi: 10.1101/2023.10.12.23296976.

Peer reviewed publications in print or other media

1. Reyes Nieva H, Bakken S, Elhadad N. Mining the Health Disparities and Minority Health Bibliome: A Computational Scoping Review and Gap Analysis of 200,000+ Articles. Science Advances. 2024. 10(4):eadf9033. PMID: 38266089.

2. Bear Don’t Walk IV OJ, Pichon A, Reyes Nieva H, Sun T, Li J, Joseph J, Kinberg S, Richter LR, Crusco S, Kulas K, Ahmed SA, Snyder D, Rahbari A, Ranard BL, Juneja P, Demner-Fushman D, Elhadad N. Contextualized Race and Ethnicity Annotations for Clinical Text from MIMIC-III. Scientific Data. 2024. 11(1):1332. PMID: 39638783.

3. Bear Don’t Walk IV OJ, Pichon A, Reyes Nieva H, Sun T, Altosaar J, Natarajan K, Perotte A, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Demner-Fushman D, Elhadad N. Auditing Learned Associations in Deep Learning Approaches to Extract Race and Ethnicity from Clinical Text. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2024 January. 289-298.
4. Tucker EG, Reyes Nieva H, Schiffer K, Yin MT, Castor D, Gordon P, Elhadad N, Zucker J. Using a Health Information Exchange to Characterize Changes in HIV Viral Load Suppression and Disparities During the COVID-19 Pandemic in NYC. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2023. 10(12):ofad584. PMID: 38156044.

5. Schnipper JL, Reyes Nieva H, Yoon C, Mallouk M, Mixon AS, Rennke S, Chu ES, Mueller SK, Smith GR, Williams MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein JM, Dalal A, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf D, Orav J, Levin B, Gresham M, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Howell E, Kripalani S, and MARQUIS2 Site Leaders for the MARQUIS2 Study Group. What Works in Medication Reconciliation: An On-Treatment and Site Analysis of the MARQUIS2 Study. BMJ Qual Saf. 2023. 32(8):457-469. PMID: 36948542.
Ranked #1 among the top research articles of 2023 by BMJ Quality and Safety
6. Spotnitz M, Acharya N, Cimino JJ, Murphy S, Namjou B, Crimmins N, Walunas T, Liu C, Crosslin D, Benoit B, Rosenthal E, Pacheco J, Ostropolets A, Reyes Nieva H, Patterson JS, Richter LR, Callahan TJ, Elhussein A, Pang C, Kiryluk K, Nestor J, Khan A, Mohan S, Minty E, Chung W, Wei WQ, Natarajan K, Weng C. A metadata framework for computational phenotypes. JAMIA Open. 2023. 6(2):ooad032. PMID: 37181728.

7. Chaplin B, Agbaji O, Reyes Nieva H, Olatunde B, Chang C, Mitruka K, Sule H, Dajel T, Zee A, Ahmed ML, Ahmed I, Okonkwo P, Rawizza H, Kanki P. The Timeliness of Point of Care Viral Load Results Improves HIV Monitoring in Nigeria. Clin Infect Dis. 2023. 76(3):e671-e680. PMID: 35872644.

8. Bear Don’t Walk OJ IV, Reyes Nieva H, Lee SSJ, Elhadad N. A Scoping Review of Ethics Considerations in Clinical Natural Language Processing. JAMIA Open. 2022. 5(2):ooac039. PMID: 35663112.

9. Shahani A, Reyes Nieva H, Czado K, Shannon E, Gaetani R, Gresham M, Cruz Garcia J, Ganesan H, Cerciello E, Dave J, Jain R, Schnipper JL. An Electronic Pillbox Intervention Designed to Improve Medication Safety During Care Transitions: Challenges and Lessons Learned regarding Implementation and Evaluation. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022. 22(1):1304. PMID: 36309744.

10. Schnipper JL, Reyes Nieva H, Mallouk M, Mixon AS, Rennke S, Chu ES, Mueller SK, Smith GR, Williams MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein JM, Dalal A, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf D, Orav J, Levin B, Gresham M, Yoon C, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Howell E, Kripalani S, and MARQUIS2 Site Leaders for the MARQUIS2 Study Group. Effects of a Refined Evidence-based Toolkit and Mentored Implementation on Medication Reconciliation at Eighteen Hospitals: Results of the MARQUIS2 Study. BMJ Qual Saf. 2022. 31(4):278-286. PMID: 33927025.

11. Groisser A, Reyes Nieva H, Ruan E, Wright A, Schiff GD. Terminations in Primary Care: A Retrospective Observational Study of 16 Primary Care Clinics. J Gen Intern Med. 2022. 37(3):548-555. PMID: 33948801.

12. Schiff GD, Volodarskaya M, Ruan E, Lim A, Wright A, Singh H, Reyes Nieva H. Characteristics of Disease-Specific and Generic Diagnostic Pitfalls: A Qualitative Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2022. 5(1):e2144531. PMID: 35061037.

13. Kraemer KM, Litrownik D, Moy ML, Wayne PM, Beach D, Klings ES, Reyes Nieva H, Pinheiro A, Davis RB, Yeh GY. Exploring tai chi exercise and mind-body breathing in patients with COPD in a randomized controlled feasibility trial. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2021. 18(3):288-298. PMID: 34106027.

14. Yeh GY, Litrownik D, Wayne PM, Beach D, Klings ES, Reyes Nieva H, Pinheiro A, Davis RB, Moy ML. The BEAM Study (Breathing, Education, Awareness, Movement): a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial of Tai Chi Exercise in Patients with COPD. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2021. 18(3):288-298. PMID: 33219007.

15. Sun TY, Bear Don’t Walk OJ IV, Chen JL, Reyes Nieva H, Elhadad N. Exploring Gender Disparities in Time to Diagnosis. Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) Workshop at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). 2020 December. 1-6.
16. Linder JA, Weissman JS, Reyes Nieva H, Lipsitz S, Haring RS, DeAngelis J, Kristy RM, Loughlin KR. Overactive bladder in an integrated delivery system: a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020. 20(1):447. PMID: 32434511.

17. Reyes Nieva H, Ruan E, Schiff G. Professional-Patient Boundaries: a National Survey of Primary Care Physicians’ Attitudes and Practices. J Gen Intern Med. 2020. 35(2):457–464. PMID: 31755012.

18. Ali NB, Reyes Nieva H, Percac-Lima S, Shields HM, Linder JA, Yusuf Osman N. Health Care Use by Muslim Patients During Ramadan. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2019. 30(4):1360-1372. PMID: 31680102.

19. Mixon AS, Smith GR, Mallouk M, Reyes Nieva H, Kripalani S, Rennke S, Chu E, Sridharan A, Dalal A, Mueller S, Williams M, Wetterneck T, Stein JM, Stolldorf D, Howell E, Orav J, Labonville S, Levin B, Yoon C, Gresham M, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Schnipper JL. Design of MARQUIS2: study protocol for a mentored implementation study of an evidence-based toolkit to improve patient safety through medication reconciliation. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019. 19(1):659. PMID: 31511070.

20. Schiff GD, Reyes Nieva H, Griswold P, Leydon N, Ling J, Federico F, Keohane C, Ellis BR, Foskett C, Orav EJ, Yoon C, Goldmann D, Weissman JS, Bates DW, Biondolillo M, Singer SJ. Randomized Trial of Reducing Ambulatory Malpractice and Safety Risk: Results of the Massachusetts PROMISES Project. Med Care. 2017. 55(8):797-805. PMID: 28650922.

21. Schiff GD, Reyes Nieva H, Griswold P, Leydon N, Ling J, Biondolillo M, Singer SJ. Addressing Ambulatory Safety and Malpractice: The Massachusetts PROMISES Project. Health Serv Res. 2016. 51(Suppl 3):2634-2641. PMID: 27892623.

22. Kroll DS, Reyes Nieva H, Barsky AJ, Linder JA. Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-Related Adverse Events in Primary Care. J Gen Intern Med. 2016. 31(9):1027-34. PMID: 27177914.

23. Bell SP, Schnipper JL, Goggins K, Bian A, Shintani A, Roumie CL, Dalal AK, Jacobson TA, Rask KJ, Vaccarino V, Gandhi TK, Labonville SA, Johnson D, Neal EB, Kripalani, PILL-CVD Study Group*. Effect of Pharmacist Counseling Intervention on Health Care Utilization Following Hospital Discharge: A Randomized Control Trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2016. 31(5):470-7. PMID: 26883526.
*member of the investigative team cited in the appendix of the manuscript
24. Solomon SR, Gooding HC, Reyes Nieva H, Linder JA. Acute Care Utilization by Patients After Graduation of Their Resident Primary Care Physicians. J Gen Intern Med. 2015. 30(11):1611-7. PMID: 25896089.

25. Singer SJ, Reyes Nieva H, Brede N, Ling J, Leydon N, Weissman JS, Goldmann D, Griswold P, Yoon C, Orav EJ, Bates DW, Biondolillo M, Schiff GD. Evaluating ambulatory practice safety: the PROMISES project administrators and practice staff surveys. Med Care. 2015. 53(2):141-52. PMID: 25464161.

26. Chaplin B, Meloni S, Eisen G, Jolayemi T, Banigbe B, Adeola J, Wen C, Reyes Nieva H, Chang C, Okonkwo P, Kanki P. Scale-up of networked HIV treatment in Nigeria: creation of an integrated electronic medical records system. Int J Med Inform. 2015. 84(1):58-68. PMID: 25301692.

27. Linder JA, Doctor JN, Friedberg MW, Reyes Nieva H, Birks C, Meeker D, Fox CR. Time of day and the decision to prescribe antibiotics. JAMA Intern Med. 2014. 174(12):2029-31. PMID: 25286067.

28. Schiff G, Griswold P, Ellis BR, Puopolo AL, Brede N, Reyes Nieva H, Federico F, Leydon N, Ling J, Wachenheim D, Leape LL, Biondolillo M. Doing right by our patients when things go wrong in the ambulatory setting. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2014. 40(2):91-6. PMID: 24716332.

29. Kripalani S, Roumie CL, Dalal AK, Cawthon C, Businger A, Eden SK, Shintani A, Sponsler KC, Harris LJ, Theobald C, Huang RL, Scheurer D, Hunt S, Jacobson TA, Rask KJ, Vaccarino V, Gandhi TK, Bates DW, Williams MV, Schnipper JL, PILL-CVD Study Group*. Effect of a pharmacist intervention on clinically important medication errors after hospital discharge: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2012. 157(1):1-10. PMID: 22751755.
*member of the investigative team cited in the appendix of the manuscript
30. Schnipper JL, Roumie CL, Cawthon C, Businger A, Dalal AK, Mugalla I, Eden S, Jacobson TA, Rask KJ, Vaccarino V, Gandhi TK, Bates DW, Johnson DC, Labonville S, Gregory D, Kripalani S, PILL-CVD Study Group*. Rationale and design of the Pharmacist Intervention for Low Literacy in Cardiovascular Disease (PILL-CVD) study. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2010. 3(2):212-9. PMID: 20233982.
*member of the investigative team cited in the appendix of the manuscript
31. Linder JA, Reyes Nieva H, Blumentals WA. Antiviral and antibiotic prescribing for influenza in primary care. J Gen Intern Med. 2009. 24(4):504-10. PMID: 19225847.

Proceedings of meetings and non-peer reviewed research publications

1. Hegselmann S, Parziale A, Shanmugam D, Tang S, Severson K, Asiedu MN, Chang S, Dossou BFP, Huang Q, Kamran F, Zhang H, Nagaraj S, Oala L, Xu S, Okolo CT, Zhou H, Dafflon J, Ellington C, Jabbour S, Jeong H, Reyes Nieva H, Yang Y, Zamzmi G, Mhasawade V, Truong V, Chandak P, Lee M, Argaw P, Heuton K, Singh H, Hartvigsen T. Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) 2023. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. 2023.

2. Reyes Nieva H, Doctor JN, Friedberg MW, Birks C, Fiskio JM, Volk LA, Linder JA. Comparing Clinicians’ Perception of Their Own and Their Peers’ Antibiotic Prescribing to Actual Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Infections in Primary Care "in Abstracts from the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine" . J Gen Intern Med. 2014.
Received the Outstanding Quality and Patient Safety Oral Presentation Award from the Society of General Internal Medicine.

3. Reyes Nieva H, Kaplan RL, Madani N. Women and HIV: Update from the Middle East and North Africa . Global Network of Researchers on HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa (GNR- MENA). 2010.

Professional educational materials or reports, in print or other media

1. When Things Go Wrong in the Ambulatory Setting. 2013. The PROMISES Study*.
*member of the writing committee

2. Using the Monthly Report Form Tool. 2011. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

3. Using the Adult Quality Improvement Tool. 2011. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

4. Using the Pediatric Quality Improvement Tool. 2011. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

5. Using the Data Quality Assessment Tool. 2011. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

6. Data Quality Control and Assurance (Intermediate Data Manual). 2010. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

7. Guidelines for Reporting Clinical Data Quality Assessments. 2010. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Technical Guideline

8. Generating Adult Quality of Clinical Care Indicators in an HIV Program. 2010. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Technical Guideline

9. Generating Pediatric Quality of Clinical Care Indicators in an HIV Program. 2010. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Technical Guideline

10. Introduction to Data Management (Beginner Data Manual). 2009. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria. Training Manual

Educational Material for Patients and the Lay Community

Books, monographs, articles and presentations in other media

1. Harvard School of Public Health/AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria: Reducing the Burden of AIDS U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief . Contributor. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria Program Report. 2012.

2. Harvard School of Public Health/AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria: Reducing the Burden of AIDS U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief . Contributor. Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria Program Report. 2012.

3. Harvard School of Public Health/Management and Development for Health: Reducing the Burden of AIDS in Tanzania U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief . Contributor. Harvard PEPFAR Tanzania Program Report. 2012.

4. Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership: Reducing the Burden of AIDS U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief . Contributor. Harvard PEPFAR Botswana Program Report. 2012.